Comprehensive Guide: Wanderer API Documentation
Complete documentation for Wanderer's public APIs, including map data, character information, and access control management. Includes interactive API documentation with Swagger UI.

Tracking Kills with the New zKill Widget
Stay informed about kills across New Eden using the zKill Widget.

Managing Upwell Structures & Timers with the Structures Widget
Learn how to track structure information using the Structures Widget.

Map User Settings (from our community member)

User Guide: Public API Endpoints for Map Data
Learn how to use the Wanderer public API endpoints to retrieve system and character data from your map. This guide covers available endpoints, request examples, and sample responses.

User Guide: Map Connection Info
This guide provides instructions on how to access and interpret connection information on the map. The connection info feature helps users monitor traffic between systems and estimate the mass of ships that have passed through a connection.

User Guide: Map Features
Welcome to the guide on utilizing the advanced features of the map in our application. This guide covers a range of functionalities that enhance map usage, character tracking, system management, and navigation efficiency.

User Guide: Map Settings
Welcome to the guide on managing your map settings in our application. This guide will walk you through the various functionalities available to map administrators, including general settings, balance management, and subscription options.

User Guide: Map Audit
Welcome to the guide on using the Map Audit interface. This guide will walk you through accessing the audit page, filtering events, and understanding its purpose. Please note that the Map Audit Page is available exclusively to map administrators.